5 Musts for Healthy Skin:
If you wear something every single day it’s probably a good idea to treat it with tender, loving care. We’re not talking about those fabulous designer shoes that seem to go with every outfit, or those super-comfy sweatpants you’ve had since the 9th grade. We’re talking about your all-over outfit – your skin! Yes, the largest organ in the human body, your nemesis on a bad day, a glorious representation of radiance on a good day – your skin. Being kind to the skin you spend your life in is not only a great idea – it’s an essential part of your overall health! Read on while we explore the top 5 things on the to-do list, (and a few not to-do’s) for skin that is more than healthy – it glows!
You get what you put in to it – Literally. We’re talking, you are what you eat. It’s a fact that nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining healthy skin. Don’t worry! It doesn’t mean you’re going to be restricted to the world of tasteless, lame food that looks and tastes more foul than fabulous. Dark chocolate is a perfect example of a food that is far from foul and is packed with anti-oxidants that are essential for healthy skin and also helps protect skin from dangerous UV damage. Other skin-friendly anti-oxidant packed foods include: berries, tomatoes and foods with high amounts of Omega 3 fats, like spinach, flaxseeds and salmon, which also has the added benefit of containing selenium, a mineral that helps protect the skin from sun damage.
You get what you put ON it – There is no greater damage to the skin than what comes from dangerous UV rays. So, put it on! Sunscreen that is. Even in overcast conditions, the sun can cause a myriad of skin problems, skin cancer being at the top of the list. It’s a great idea to get in to the habit of applying a moisturizer with at least 30 SPF every day if you are leaving the house. Once it is a part of your regimen, you’ll never forget it and your skin will thank you.
Get down to the bare bones – Or should we say, bare skin. This tip is two-fold – part 1 -let yourself go makeup free as often as possible to give your skin a much-needed break and let it breathe! But also, exfoliate weekly to rid your skin of dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production. Be careful not to over-exfoliate and irritate the skin.
Paying lip service – A lot of people don’t think about skincare for this body part, but don’t neglect your lips in your skincare regimen. The awesome thing is that many lip balms or glosses contain sunscreen, so it’s quick and easy to keep your lips smooth.
Hydrate to promote healthy skin – Water, water everywhere – drink it! Lots of it. The human body is made up of mostly water, so when you don’t keep your body hydrated it’s not only bad for just your skin. It can affect your overall health in general.
There are numerous other ways to get and keep healthy, beautiful skin. But if you stick to the basics, you’ll be able to put your best face forward with confidence. For those of you who love getting under people’s skin, (but in a good way) a career as an esthetician might be right for you! The health and wellness industries are always looking for talented individuals who are ready to start doing what they love for a living. To learn more about a career in skincare or esthetics, contact your local state licensing board to find a beauty school near you.