Top Summer Nail Styles

Classic red nails, sunshine yellow nails, metallic nails hot girl summer

What is it about rising temperatures that seems to inspire a desire to change up our look? Whether it’s the long sunny days, pool parties, or just a love of all things hot – summer is the perfect time to try out a hot new look for your nails. Check out the fun and funky styles heating things up this summer.

Classic red

Bold, classic red never seems to go out of style, not for lips and certainly not for nails.

Sunshine yellow

 In a nod to the golden orb making summer, well – summer; bright and sunny yellow is this summer’s go-to color.


This summer’s nails are taking on new, but not so new shapes. There’s a style for every length with the classic almond, pointy stiletto, and square-oval.

Clear press-ons

We can see right through this style literally! Following on the heels of the jelly or PVC nails of last summer, these clear press-on nails are super user-friendly when it comes to application.

Put it in a frame

We love this versatile, two-tone style that is literally created by painting a thin frame around the perimeter of your nail and filling it in with no color or a different color.

Metallic magic

Metallic shades in silver, rose gold, and metallic blue have been popular for a while and show no signs of going anywhere any time soon.


With so many great looks to choose from, don’t choose! Try them all and make this summer one where your hands do the talking. And if you have a passion for creating nail styles that make a statement, you should turn that passion into a career! For more information about careers in the exciting world of beauty, contact your local state licensing board for a list of schools in your area.  

Skin Care Tips for Warm Weather

warmer wather dresses
Let’s face it – we all want gorgeous, radiant skin. In the summer, we want it even more. Summer heat and humidity creates challenges that can make it harder to get healthy, glowing summer skin. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to keep your skin looking and feeling great whether it’s 9 degrees or 90!
  1. Protection for your reflection
  2. Let’s start with the most important skincare tip that applies in any weather. Sunscreen is your #1 priority. Use a SPF 30 sunscreen every day, no matter what the temperature is. If you’re in the direct sun for extended periods, reapply it often. Harmful UV rays are harmful regardless of the weather.

  3. It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity
  4. How many times have you heard someone say that? When it comes to your skin, humid weather requires a different response, especially if your skin is oily. Cleanse your face regularly with a gentle cleanser and toner to avoid clogged pores and breakouts. You can also use a glycolic pad to eliminate excess oil and keep your face looking fresh.

  5. Hydrate inside and out
  6. Dry heat can cause your skin to get red, flaky and dull. Trade your normal moisturizer for a richer, heavier moisturizing cream to give your skin that boost of hydration it’s missing. Since our bodies are mostly water and skin is our largest organ, hydrate it from the inside too! Drinking tons of water will not only help you keep your skin radiant-looking, it will keep your whole body healthier.

  7. Just scraping the surface
  8. Exfoliating your skin regularly helps remove dead, dull skin cells and can help prevent breakouts by unclogging your pores. Make sure you apply a good moisturizer and be diligent about sunscreen after exfoliating. Your skin will be more sensitive will need extra protection.

    Get the most out of your summer and do it with healthy, glowing skin. If you’ve got a passion skincare, you might want to consider turning that passion into a career! If you’d like to learn more about a career helping people look and feel their best, contact your local state licensing board for a list of schools in your area.

5 Tips for Healthier Hair

A woman with her hair in a pony tail

5 Tips for Healthier Hair


It’s a real contradiction that getting the gorgeous hair we want can require tools that wreak havoc on our hair. But what’s a girl to do? It’s not like we’re parting with our flat irons, fresh color or blow dryers any time soon. Don’t toss those hair taming tools yet because you can keep your hair shiny and healthy-looking with 5 simple tips.

Less is more

When it comes to shampooing your hair, even oily hair doesn’t always need washing every day. Over-shampooing your hair can remove the moisture your hair needs, making it prone to damage and frizz.

Treat your hair like fine china

Especially wet hair which is fragile and breaks easier. So, be gentle and avoid brushing your hair when it’s super wet. And trade in your cotton bath towel for soft microfiber or an old t-shirt and blot hair dry.

Keep it loose

Putting your hair into a ponytail with an elastic hair tie is great for getting quick control over unruly hair. Skip the tight elastic bands, which can damage your cuticles, causing breakage. Try the well-loved cloth scrunchie to help keep your hair friction-free and fabulous.

Stay on the cutting edge

The cutting edge of your stylist’s shears! Regular trims are a must! Having your ends trimmed on a regular basis will take care of any split ends and help keep hair looking healthy.

Cool things down

We all know heat is a blessing and a curse when it comes to your hair. We couldn’t imagine facing the day without our super-hot flat irons and blow dryers. Give your hair a cool rinse after shampooing to close those cuticles and prevent frizz. For the same reason, blast your hair with the cool setting on the blow dryer during a blowout.


Give your hair the treatment it deserves and make every day a good hair day! If you’re passionate about rocking beautiful hair and creating signature styles, a career in cosmetology may be right for you! The beauty industry is growing and the demand for talented cosmetologists is on the rise. To learn more about the world of cosmetology, contact your local state licensing board to find programs and schools in your area. 

Travel Beauty Essentials

A woman in suitcase and sunhat travel essentials

Let’s face it, whether you travel for business or pleasure, the very act of traveling can take a toll on us for a number of reasons. Stress, dry airplane cabin air, dehydration and even blood flow inhibiting, high altitudes during flights all contribute to less than beautiful skin and can have you feeling less than glowing. Combine that with the unfortunate 3 oz rule for your liquid-based beauty products and it can be an all-out beauty battle to look and feel your best as you roam about the country. What’s a skin-conscious traveler to do? Don’t sweat it! We’ve got the must have beauty essentials you need to help you look and feel goodwhile you take your show on the road!


Heed the warnings –The 3 oz warnings. Cramming your favorite beauty products in a 3 oz container may seem like a royal pain. What’s worse is having your full-size faves tossed in the trash because they don’t meet the TSA requirements?! First must-have beauty essential for travel? Reusable 3 oz containers, (available at just about any drug store or major retailer) that allows you to bring the best of your collection on board with no problem! PS – Don’t forget the clear quart-size bags!


A quick cleanse is better than no cleanse at all –If you’re traveling light and can’t bring the full toner, cleanser, moisturizer kit in a carry-on bag, a great alternative is a good-quality travel size pack of makeup wipes. They don’t count as a liquid and can give you a much-needed freshening up without the hassle of lugging your entire skincare kit. Choose wipes with aloe or moisturizer to help combat that airplane cabin air.


Good things come in small packages –This is one time when less is definitely more! Most eye creams come in smaller than 3 oz sizes, making them a must have for keeping your eyes looking rested and without the larger-than-life size container.


We all scream for sunscreen –It’s the one thing that you should never, ever leave home, much less travel without. After all, if you get stuck in Miami on an extended layover, why hide inside from all that fabulous sun! A tinted sunscreen can be a multi-purpose essential so grab a full-size bottle of your favorite 30+ SPF or look for a just right travel size!



Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, one thing remains the same – neither is going to go well without the beauty essentials that keep you looking and feeling good!If you’ve got a soft spot for beautiful things and things that make other things beautiful – maybe you should consider a career in the world of beauty! Talented cosmetologists and estheticians are out there right now blazing their own trail with style in the beauty industry. For more information about careers in the beauty industry, contact your local state licensing board for a list of schools and programs offered in your area!

Holiday Skin Routines

festively dressed woman

The holiday season brings with it a multitude of parties, cocktails, cooler temperatures and decadent holiday goodies that can take a toll on your skin. So, as you prep to enjoy another season of indulgence, it might be a good idea to give your skin extra care by adding some essential steps to your holiday skincare regimen.

Cleanse the skin you’re in – You probably already have cleansing as part of your skincare routine, but during the holiday season, it’s a good idea to beef up your cleansing routine. Cleanse your skin twice a day to get rid of dirt, excess oil, and of course, leftover makeup. Removing all traces of makeup at the end of each day is critical to a good skincare regimen no matter what season.

The sun is still shining – Which is not an attempt at positive thinking. It’s a reminder that the sun is still shining, even when you are in a sub-zero climate. So, don’t forego the sunscreen – ever!

A soft place to land – Make sure you apply a good moisturizer before you apply your makeup for a softer, more radiant look. Opting for a good primer/moisturizer combo is a great way to maximize the benefits of both products in one application.

Paying lip service – Cold, dry air from holiday travel or weather can lead to chapped and dry lips. Keep a moisturizing lip balm with UV protection on hand at all times to keep your lips smooth and kiss-worthy!

Ice-ice baby – For those mornings after the annual holiday party when your eyes tell the story of a late night or early wake-up call – apply ice or the back of a chilled spoon under your eyes for a quick fix for puffy, tired eyes.

Drink it all in – Water that is. Enjoying all the fun and festive holiday cocktails are great. But hydrating your body and your skin with plenty of H2O is an easy way to keep your skin and body looking and feeling good!

Enjoy decking the halls and all the other holiday happenings this season with skin that shows off your holiday spirit glow! A great skincare routine is important no matter what season it is and the talented estheticians working in the beauty industry are helping to keep that glow on faces everywhere! If you’ve always been intrigued by the world of skincare and love helping people look and feel their best, an esthetics career in the beauty industry might be just right for you! The beauty industry is growing at a rapid pace and licensed estheticians are in high demand. For more information on a career in the exciting world of esthetics and skincare, contact your local state licensing board for a list of schools and programs near you.

5 Musts for Healthy Skin

girl with makeup on

5 Musts for Healthy Skin:

If you wear something every single day it’s probably a good idea to treat it with tender, loving care. We’re not talking about those fabulous designer shoes that seem to go with every outfit, or those super-comfy sweatpants you’ve had since the 9th grade. We’re talking about your all-over outfit – your skin! Yes, the largest organ in the human body, your nemesis on a bad day, a glorious representation of radiance on a good day – your skin. Being kind to the skin you spend your life in is not only a great idea – it’s an essential part of your overall health! Read on while we explore the top 5 things on the to-do list, (and a few not to-do’s) for skin that is more than healthy – it glows!

You get what you put in to it – Literally. We’re talking, you are what you eat. It’s a fact that nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining healthy skin. Don’t worry! It doesn’t mean you’re going to be restricted to the world of tasteless, lame food that looks and tastes more foul than fabulous. Dark chocolate is a perfect example of a food that is far from foul and is packed with anti-oxidants that are essential for healthy skin and also helps protect skin from dangerous UV damage. Other skin-friendly anti-oxidant packed foods include: berries, tomatoes and foods with high amounts of Omega 3 fats, like spinach, flaxseeds and salmon, which also has the added benefit of containing selenium, a mineral that helps protect the skin from sun damage.

You get what you put ON it – There is no greater damage to the skin than what comes from dangerous UV rays. So, put it on! Sunscreen that is. Even in overcast conditions, the sun can cause a myriad of skin problems, skin cancer being at the top of the list. It’s a great idea to get in to the habit of applying a moisturizer with at least 30 SPF every day if you are leaving the house. Once it is a part of your regimen, you’ll never forget it and your skin will thank you.

Get down to the bare bones – Or should we say, bare skin. This tip is two-fold – part 1 -let yourself go makeup free as often as possible to give your skin a much-needed break and let it breathe! But also, exfoliate weekly to rid your skin of dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production. Be careful not to over-exfoliate and irritate the skin.

Paying lip service – A lot of people don’t think about skincare for this body part, but don’t neglect your lips in your skincare regimen. The awesome thing is that many lip balms or glosses contain sunscreen, so it’s quick and easy to keep your lips smooth.

Hydrate to promote healthy skin – Water, water everywhere – drink it! Lots of it. The human body is made up of mostly water, so when you don’t keep your body hydrated it’s not only bad for just your skin. It can affect your overall health in general.

There are numerous other ways to get and keep healthy, beautiful skin. But if you stick to the basics, you’ll be able to put your best face forward with confidence. For those of you who love getting under people’s skin, (but in a good way) a career as an esthetician might be right for you! The health and wellness industries are always looking for talented individuals who are ready to start doing what they love for a living. To learn more about a career in skincare or esthetics, contact your local state licensing board to find a beauty school near you.

woamn getting facial


The face of the world is quite literally changing for the better, thanks to advances in skin care and the efforts of talented estheticians everywhere! It’s no secret that the beauty and wellness industry is growing at a rapid pace and licensed estheticians have more options than ever to choose from on their search for a career. It’s true! In the world of esthetics you have choices and we’re here to help you explore them.

Healthy skin is where it begins – Let’s face it, there is no better accessory than healthy, glowing skin. As a licensed esthetician, you may choose to work as a Facial and Skin Care Specialist, helping people conquer their problematic skin issues with facials, skin care regimens and a variety of other specialized treatments tailored to a particular client’s skincare needs. It’s a rewarding experience to help someone who has struggled with breakouts, blackheads and other skin issues and watch as their confidence grow right before your eyes!

Makeup artistryIf you’ve seen your mom’s prom pictures circa 1965, you know that even though blue eye shadow exists, it doesn’t mean it works on everyone. As a makeup artist, you’ll learn what works and on who! Makeup techniques and skincare go hand in hand but the sheer artistry of transforming someone’s look with the right makeup is not only rewarding, it’s fun! Makeup artists are not just dolling people up for proms and weddings, the entertainment industry is full of opportunities for talented makeup artists.

Salon or day spa esthetician – Everyone loves a visit to the spa right? As an esthetician working in a salon or spa, you’ll be giving a variety of facials, peels and other skincare treatments but you may also be applying makeup or providing waxing services if this is your specialty. That’s the beauty of the esthetics industry! You can choose to specialize in one area or several, so you’ll never be bored!

Skin care product sales – If you’ve got the gift of persuasion, you might choose to take your esthetician training down the path of product sales. Consumers are buying more beauty and skincare products than ever and it’s a great way to set your own hours and have more control over your income.

Mobile esthetician – Quite literally, you can take your show on the road!  It’s a culture of convenience today where everything from food to pet grooming can come directly to your door. As a mobile esthetician, you can build a clientele quickly who prefer to get their beauty treatment in the comfort of their own home. And if you enjoy being out and about rather than in the same office every day, this may be just right for you!

Skin Care instructor (with further education and licensing) – Do you think longingly of your days in esthetician training because you thoroughly enjoyed every minute? Maybe you’re a good communicator and love to share your passion for esthetics with others? Well, becoming an esthetics and skin care instructor is a rewarding career path that will allow you to interact with so many people and keep you up to date on all the latest and coolest skincare technology.

With so many career paths in the esthetics industry, the biggest hurdle is deciding which one. If you’d like to learn more about the world of esthetics, contact your local state licensing board for a list of schools and programs in your area. So many faces to make shine. What are you waiting for? Start your journey today!